Tuesday, September 22, 2009

number: obsession

These guys are taking over my life!
They are everywhere!
I can't come into my house without seeing them!
What are these beings that are making me go to the nutty house?!?


You are probably thinking at this point that I am the one who is crazy about these critters.
Never!!! I cannot be me!
The one who is nuts-o about these delicious, soft, chewy treats is the man I call, "husband"
Gummy bears are his new "kick"
I am used to Cooper getting on kicks. He decides that some new thing is a good thing.
Then he decides that it's a great thing.
Then he decides that he cannot live without this thing.
He has currently decided that he may not, cannot, will not live without gummy bears.

Every time I go to the store he asks, "Will you please get me gummy bears?"
And I do.
The next time he says that he does not want me to buy them for various reasons. As soon as I walk in the door from the store he exclaims, "Did you get me gummy bears?!" I say no. After all, he told me not to. He then appears sad. So, I then walk back out the door and go to the grocery and get a 5 lb bag of gummy bears.
*That new show, "The Good Wife"- It's about me. Okay, not at all.*
That bag is usually gone within the next two days.
Cooper then goes to the store and buys another 5 lb bag of gummy bears to last him until the next time I go to the store.
We then start this three-ringed circus again.

I must say that Cooper looks as happy as a clam whenever I walk in and he's munching on a hand full of those gummy baby bears.

Although, gotta say, a little funny that gummy bears are a treat that humans like and real humans are a treat bears like. Ironic? I don't know. Atlantis Morissette completely ruined the definition of ironic for me.

Of course I have failed to mention that I am this way about Diet Coke.
Aren't we all this way about something?
So, what's your obsession?

...until next time...

post addendum: cooper just read this blog. he took one look at the picture and said, "Look at those gummy bears! They are obviously premium!" i know.


HeltonTexas said...

Jaxon loves gummy bears and he will eat and eat and eat them and signs for "more". I buy them in bulk at Sprouts. (which I know you don't have but it's a "whole foods" type of store but smaller)
I think you should teach Coop to sign "more please" and "thank you". lol

Laura Keane said...

Good Idea! I'll have to think about that for next time!! :)

Kimber. said...

Please go to youtube and search for gummy bear trap original. It's awesome. Slightly inappropriate, but definitely a pee your pants video.

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