Sunday, August 23, 2009

number: the lake

It's August. And the weather is awesome!
*For those of you just tuning in to weather trends, August is not usually the month for awesome weather*
Yesterday Cooper and I decided that we needed to get out of the house and go to the lake!
So, we invited another couple, Justin and Claire, to come along with us.
*We also invited another couple to come with us but they declined. Whatever. I'm so over it*

We borrowed a pontoon boat from one of Cooper's friends.
We then put the tube behind it.
Let's just say pontoon boats are not the same as ski boats.
But never fear! There was still a lot of fun to be had...and the slower speed allowed us to invent some very fun *and somewhat dangerous* tricks on the tube.

Here's the evidence of the good time had by all:
*please do not judge my pale-ness. i'm married to a dermatologist folks. he keeps me hidden from the sun. Justin asks that you not judge his farmer's tan.*

I will note that poor Claire could never get her tiny self standing on that tube.
Her little legs just couldn't get her up there.
Bless her heart.

That's all for right now, y'all!
Tune in next time...I think I'm gonna have a poll for you all to fill out.
I know, exciting. But you're just gonna have to wait!

...until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How fun!!! You guys crack me up!
- Hilary Y.

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