Tuesday, October 20, 2009

number: 2 things

Two Things:
1. I totally stink at keeping promises about blogging more.
What's my deal?!
Sorry to you lovers of this blog.

2. Today's blog post is officially dedicated to: kids these days.
Now, I do not consider myself to be an oldie. Nor a goodie.
*I really hope no one calls me a goodie when I'm older. Goodies remind me of Girl Scout Cookies, Little Debbies, and well...Tasty Cakes. I can't imagine being referred to something that contains nothing but artery-clogging deliciousness as an elderly woman. What an insult. I mean, I bet my arteries probably will be clogged, but please don't remind me of it by my nickname- sheesh!*
But I must say that kids/teenagers are just different than my friends and I were whenever I was in high school- which was 6-10 years ago depending on the year you're counting. Wowza.
Okay, so the whole point of this is that I've noticed lately that because of texting teenagers cannot type correctly.
I have a family member who is a teenager.
One day I looked at his facebook page and his girlfriend had written,
"You sux at bak n :)"
Um, what?!
What's really so hard in writing "You suck at baking"?
If I were any older, I probably would not understand that sentence. *Luckily, I'm still somewhat "hip & with it."*
Did I really use that many more letters and was that much more grammatically correct so that you could not type such a sentence- as crass as it is?
Additionally, these youngsters seem only satisfied to respond to any question about their life or interest with, "I don't know." or "Whatever."
You don't know what happened at school? Are you taking drugs or are you just out of your mind? Whatever? You don't have a favorite food or you like all of them? These phrases, people...I need more detail!
I gotta say, children were just more respectful and decent in my day in age.
*Mom, stop rolling your eyes. I know we weren't, but let me have my fun, okay?! Gosh, you're always telling me what to do and treating me like a CHILD! Mom, I am no longer a baby! I can't wait to go to be an adult and do whatever I want!!*
Bless my parent's hearts. My younger sister followed suit right after I got shipped off to college.
I guess not too much has really changed. Sure kids are under more pressure than ever to do stuff they shouldn't do...but what is that?! Kids, just do what your auntie Laura says and just say no! That outta teach 'em. Anyway, I guess this post really is to say that although teenagers are expressing how ridiculous they are through texting here in 2009, I am sure that I was just as ridiculous when I was pubescent nut-case.

...until next time...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

number: busy-ness

When I started this bloggin' thing I thought I would be super-blogger.
I would blog all the time.
I would share hilarious stories and you all would keel over in laughter...tears streaming down your face due to the elation and joy you felt in your heart.
And while I would like to believe we've had some of those times...we have definitely not had those times the past couple weeks.

And here's why:
I have become busy.
Busy with life.
I forgot how much activity the fall brings.
I am currently tired.
I am tired when I wake up.
I am tired when I am driving to work.
A friend-who shall remain nameless- recently confessed to me that she sometimes convinces herself to close one eye while she drives just so she can conserve a bit of energy.
I think I might start doing this. Reckless behavior is my middle name!
I am tired when I am driving home from work.
To sum this up: I am tired.

This really is just a post for me to explain my position of tired/busy-ness.
I am not saying this to make myself superior- people begin to compete whenever you say you're busy or tired. They say things like, "Oh, well you just can't understand how tired I am! Try having x y or z on your plate!" That's lame. Can't we just be tired together and watch new episodes of Glee, Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice?
Ummmm...I can hear you judging me. Whatever. Don't be jealous of the trashy-trash that I love!

So, I hope we can all still be friends.
I solemnly swear to blog at least once a week.
After all, we need to keep in touch.
We're like pen-pals.
Except this is kinda one-way.
Like a street.
Or a dysfunctional relationship. Like that of my relationship with Diet Coke. The DC just takes advantage of my vulnerability and dependence. What am I even saying?!

Hope you all have a great week! Happy October 1oth, y'all!

...until next time...
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