Tuesday, September 29, 2009

number: rabbit rabbit day

Rabbit Rabbit Day is coming up soon!
"What is rabbit rabbit day?!" you might ask.
I am just as enthused.
Well, rabbit rabbit day is the first day of the month.
I learned this on nickelodeon when I was at the wee little age of 7 or 8 years.
On the first day of the month you are supposed to wake up and say,
"Rabbit, Rabbit!"
for good luck to come for the month.
...I think...
Honestly, I really can't remember more than you're supposed to say
"Rabbit, Rabbit!"

So, this month, I challenge all of you to wake up and exclaim,
This will probably scare the pants off anyone who is near you.
But, hey, for the sake of fun kick off your tight laced shoes and do a jig while sayin' this.
You might just end up on the news for acting like a crazy person!
And by all means...continue...and send me a link of a video of you doing this.
I want to see it.

You know...the word rabbit is a silly word. Saying the word rabbit over and over makes you kinda want to go nutty. Who came up with this english language?
Well, I guess some guy married some girl a long time ago and they couldn't talk to each other, but both had latin based languages and they came up with English.

I am digressing.

So, happy end of September, everyone!
I hope the next new month brings lots of luck and joy to your life.

...until next time...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

number: where have all the followers gone?

Inevitably, I currently singing the tune,
"Where have all the cowboys gone?" by Paula Cole in my head with the new lyrics of
"Where have all the followers gone?!? Yippee aw, Yippee yay!"
*Yes, nutty is my middle name. You all have smart mouths! My momma, Pam, would definitely have a few kung fu tricks to show you if you started sassing her like that. believe me, i know.*

However, I am ever so serious when I say that mine is not the only blog that the followers are missing. There are missing persons on most of the blogspot.com blogs that I have checked!
*minus the snooty-tooty blogs who had theirs designed for them...whatever.*
Where is CSI:Miami when you need them?!
My followers are not here! They have disappeared.
Help us, Blogspot! Give us our followers back!
Missing persons, are you still reading?!
Is anybody out there?!
When will the universe be set right?!
*I lied. Melodramatic is actually my middle name.*

...until next time...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

number: obsession

These guys are taking over my life!
They are everywhere!
I can't come into my house without seeing them!
What are these beings that are making me go to the nutty house?!?


You are probably thinking at this point that I am the one who is crazy about these critters.
Never!!! I cannot be me!
The one who is nuts-o about these delicious, soft, chewy treats is the man I call, "husband"
Gummy bears are his new "kick"
I am used to Cooper getting on kicks. He decides that some new thing is a good thing.
Then he decides that it's a great thing.
Then he decides that he cannot live without this thing.
He has currently decided that he may not, cannot, will not live without gummy bears.

Every time I go to the store he asks, "Will you please get me gummy bears?"
And I do.
The next time he says that he does not want me to buy them for various reasons. As soon as I walk in the door from the store he exclaims, "Did you get me gummy bears?!" I say no. After all, he told me not to. He then appears sad. So, I then walk back out the door and go to the grocery and get a 5 lb bag of gummy bears.
*That new show, "The Good Wife"- It's about me. Okay, not at all.*
That bag is usually gone within the next two days.
Cooper then goes to the store and buys another 5 lb bag of gummy bears to last him until the next time I go to the store.
We then start this three-ringed circus again.

I must say that Cooper looks as happy as a clam whenever I walk in and he's munching on a hand full of those gummy baby bears.

Although, gotta say, a little funny that gummy bears are a treat that humans like and real humans are a treat bears like. Ironic? I don't know. Atlantis Morissette completely ruined the definition of ironic for me.

Of course I have failed to mention that I am this way about Diet Coke.
Aren't we all this way about something?
So, what's your obsession?

...until next time...

post addendum: cooper just read this blog. he took one look at the picture and said, "Look at those gummy bears! They are obviously premium!" i know.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

number: a couple housekeeping issues

Some of you out there are saying,
"Whew, doggie! Where's that girl gone off to?!"
*That's a little much, huh?*
Sorry, my accent is back- Cooper and I went to visit our family for a week in Atlanta
It was a week full of food, family, and fun- not unlike these times
There will be stories and good times to be had by all in the near future, but for now I just have a couple of things to update you guys on:

1. Update on Cooper's birthday: I got the man his pants. He is happy. I also got him gummy bears- more to come on this later. Also- we are going to go to Cooper's favorite lake spot for a weekend get-a-way in the near future. So, thanks for responding to the poll and all your comments!
2. While I was home my mother tried to convince me that I should read Twilight. We all know how that went over.
3. Some of you have told me, either through your comments here or in person, that even though you have not read Twilight, you have read Harry Potter. Well, friends, gotta say, I have read Harry Potter too. AND I am re-reading them all right now! I'm sure I could make fun of Harry Potter...actually, I know I could...but I just will not! I love it far too much. Side story: As Cooper and I were pulling into our driveway last night he looked back at our 10-month-old boxer puppy who was sleeping soundly and said "You-Know-Who did well on the trip." I swear I thought he was talking about Voldemort. When I told Cooper this he threatened to send me straight to Azkaban with the dementors with the only hope of escape would be to get some advice from Sirius Black and fly away on Buckbeak. I did a little wiggle waggle wand trick. Cooper just looked at me. Then he said, "There's a reason you never got a letter from Hogwarts, Muggle." I glared at him, but cried inside.

Missed you guys! Have a great Monday.

...until next time...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

number: the "tw"s of twhis tworld two

Twelcome back!
I know that the anticipation must have been terrible.
So, let's recap- and the recap is if you did not read yesterday's post, please read "number: the 'tw's of twhis tworld" before you read this post. This post will make much more sense if you have read its counterpart prior.
We good? Great! Let's get started.

The second issue in my life that is apparently cool, but I refuse to believe so.
My point may not be as drawn out as it was with Twitter, but my heart is still firmly set on not reading this book series.
For those of you living under a rock for the past year or two, Twilight is a book series about vampires, werewolves, and one girl named "Bella" who gets mixed up in their mess.
Some of you are probably thinking, "Uhh, I thought you haven't read Twilight"
Well, I haven't. I have friends who have.
They all tell me how much they love Twilight.
However, they all seem to have a complaint about the series, despite their deepest affections.
I hear things like this a lot:
"Bella is so annoying! I just can't even stand her"
"These books really aren't that well written, but I can't stop reading it"
"Some of it seems a little unrealistic."

Okay...a few comments in response to these comments:
Uhh...You are reading a book where the main character is annoying? Why?
I already have an addiction to trashy television and people magazine. No need to read these books too.
Okay. Um...is it just me or do vampires not exist? I'm just curious.

I've read a couple excerpts from the book. Because hey, with all the hype I thought, "What the heck, I might read this!"
But, nay. Nay I say.
Some of the language is a little on the over-the-top adjective side- if you don't believe me, please just read this excerpt:
"My eyes traced over his pale white features: the hard square of his jaw, the softer curve of his full lips—twisted up into a smile now, the straight line of his nose, the sharp angle of his cheekbones, the smooth marble span of his forehead—partially obscured by a tangle of rain-darkened bronze hair… " from Eclipse by Stephanie Myer I in no way wrote this.
Honestly...sounds like some romance novel. A romance novel for teenagers.

Listen people you don't have to agree with me.
All I'm sayin' is that Twilight appears to be a book that is written fairly, with a main character that is not only flawed but annoyingly flawed, with too many adjectives to speak of, and for drama-stricken teenagers mixed up in the agnst of love, hate, and gossiping behind their best friend's back.
Nay. Nay I say.
I am a naysayer.
Twilight, I will never love twhee.

Well, that ends this mini-series.
...until next time...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

number: the "tw"s of twhis tworld

I consider myself to be a fairly with it gal.
I pride myself on having a pseudo good taste in fashion, music and all things truly cool.
This holds true in all areas of my life except for two:

I understand that these two subjects are of a huge phenomena around the world.
I know a lot of people that are into them.
Emotions fly high whenever people mention these two subjects.
There are just a few things that are, well, holdin' me back.
Let me explain my position on each of these...

To begin, let's start with Twitter.
Twitter is a program designed for anyone and everyone to know the most intimate details of your business. And when I say the most intimate...I mean things like:
"Out for a walk"
"Going to Lowe's"
"Sitting around watching television"

Okay, people, seriously?
You get a good-looking background on Twitter so that everything looks pretty when you say,
"I'm going to Lowe's"?!
I don't care if you're going to Lowe's! I don't care if you are going for a walk.
Unless you are the best of the best of celebrities and you are about to go to a
"Creme de la Creme" event, as I put it, then I definitely do not want to know where you are going. And even if you are a celebrity, I can read about it in People. I don't need to follow you, Ashton Kutcher, CNN, or Ellen.
Please, keep it to yourself.

One of my friends tried to convince me to get Twitter because,
"It's another thing you get to check!"
Excuse me, dear friend, I love you very much.
But that is a lame excuse.
At this point in my life I have enough to check.
Or at least balance the checks that I have already written. *and bounced- yikes!*
Mom, Dad, that was a joke. I don't bounce checks.

Also, Twitter is designed to make people out to be birds.
You "tweet" your postings. The icon for Twitter is a bird.
Excuse me.
Birds are not people.
People are not birds.
And here's why:

1. Birds, unlike common belief and common terminology would have you believe, eat a lot of food in one day. They can afford to do this because they fly around a lot. On the flip side pigs do not eat a lot of food. They just eat sloppy food. And don't move around very rapidly to burn off the 10,000 calories they just ate
Birds: Polite, Skinny, Large Volume Eaters Pigs: Not so much
To me, most people seem to be more like pigs on that issue.
Although, I will give it to them, "Twitter" is a catchier name than "Swinner"

2. Birds are disgusting creatures that hold many germs and diseases.
Before swine flu it was bird flu.
I'm just sayin'.

3. Have you ever seen Alfred Hitchcock's, "The Birds"? Honestly, thought it was lame, but it adds to my point: You never know what those no portion control petri dishes are going to do. They just stand on lamp posts and stare at you with greed in their eyes.
Then they attack you for your hair to put in their nest.
Birds are aggressive animals.

Here in lies my point:
Until people start descending upon me from the power lines with great aggression and hatred in their eyes, food hanging out of their mouths, with thousands of parasites living on them, I will not consider people to be like birds.
Nor will I join Twitter for these said reasons.

There is much to say about Twilight, but I just realized how I have rambled on about Twitter.
Please stay tuned for tomorrow's post.
I would go on, I just don't want to overwhelm you.
I kinda like you guys.
After all you guys keep me from speaking to the empty void, known as
"You are a blogger with absolutely no followers"
So, thanks! See you tomorrow!

....until next time...

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