Wednesday, September 23, 2009

number: where have all the followers gone?

Inevitably, I currently singing the tune,
"Where have all the cowboys gone?" by Paula Cole in my head with the new lyrics of
"Where have all the followers gone?!? Yippee aw, Yippee yay!"
*Yes, nutty is my middle name. You all have smart mouths! My momma, Pam, would definitely have a few kung fu tricks to show you if you started sassing her like that. believe me, i know.*

However, I am ever so serious when I say that mine is not the only blog that the followers are missing. There are missing persons on most of the blogs that I have checked!
*minus the snooty-tooty blogs who had theirs designed for them...whatever.*
Where is CSI:Miami when you need them?!
My followers are not here! They have disappeared.
Help us, Blogspot! Give us our followers back!
Missing persons, are you still reading?!
Is anybody out there?!
When will the universe be set right?!
*I lied. Melodramatic is actually my middle name.*

...until next time...


PhaedrusInExile said...

you do understand that you write to a niche group, you provide insight into your life but you don't answer large questions that people would go searching the inter-webs for. So your number will start and stay being primarily those who know you, if you're in it for the numbers you need to fulfill a gap, be it with movie or book reviews, giving out recipes you try and like or modifications you make to something to give it a new twist, find what you search for and help the world out, they're your internets too.

Anonymous said...

oh laura! we are here, we are here. i hate that you feel forsaken!

Anonymous said...

btw, this isn't adam if you didn't already know

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