Thursday, September 3, 2009

number: the "tw"s of twhis tworld two

Twelcome back!
I know that the anticipation must have been terrible.
So, let's recap- and the recap is if you did not read yesterday's post, please read "number: the 'tw's of twhis tworld" before you read this post. This post will make much more sense if you have read its counterpart prior.
We good? Great! Let's get started.

The second issue in my life that is apparently cool, but I refuse to believe so.
My point may not be as drawn out as it was with Twitter, but my heart is still firmly set on not reading this book series.
For those of you living under a rock for the past year or two, Twilight is a book series about vampires, werewolves, and one girl named "Bella" who gets mixed up in their mess.
Some of you are probably thinking, "Uhh, I thought you haven't read Twilight"
Well, I haven't. I have friends who have.
They all tell me how much they love Twilight.
However, they all seem to have a complaint about the series, despite their deepest affections.
I hear things like this a lot:
"Bella is so annoying! I just can't even stand her"
"These books really aren't that well written, but I can't stop reading it"
"Some of it seems a little unrealistic."

Okay...a few comments in response to these comments:
Uhh...You are reading a book where the main character is annoying? Why?
I already have an addiction to trashy television and people magazine. No need to read these books too.
Okay. it just me or do vampires not exist? I'm just curious.

I've read a couple excerpts from the book. Because hey, with all the hype I thought, "What the heck, I might read this!"
But, nay. Nay I say.
Some of the language is a little on the over-the-top adjective side- if you don't believe me, please just read this excerpt:
"My eyes traced over his pale white features: the hard square of his jaw, the softer curve of his full lips—twisted up into a smile now, the straight line of his nose, the sharp angle of his cheekbones, the smooth marble span of his forehead—partially obscured by a tangle of rain-darkened bronze hair… " from Eclipse by Stephanie Myer I in no way wrote this.
Honestly...sounds like some romance novel. A romance novel for teenagers.

Listen people you don't have to agree with me.
All I'm sayin' is that Twilight appears to be a book that is written fairly, with a main character that is not only flawed but annoyingly flawed, with too many adjectives to speak of, and for drama-stricken teenagers mixed up in the agnst of love, hate, and gossiping behind their best friend's back.
Nay. Nay I say.
I am a naysayer.
Twilight, I will never love twhee.

Well, that ends this mini-series.
...until next time...


Kimber. said...

Here, Here! I am a Nay sayer as well. I'm glad we're friends. I am proud of that fact :)

amanda.gates said...

I've never been prouder to be your cousin. I refuse to read that trash. I just don't understand the hype. I am going to ban any talk of it from my classroom.

Anonymous said...

I don't plan on ever reading Twilight. I watched the movie and thought it was stupid.

I have however read all the Harry Potter books and loved them!

Hilary Y.

HeltonTexas said...

ok, I'm sitting here reading your post to myself and all of a sudden Will says "What the H is the deal with all this vampire S?" lol!
We are totally on the same wave length.
We whole heartedly agree with your stance on Twitter and Twilight and give everyone plenty of glimpses into our life with the blog and FB.

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