Thursday, August 13, 2009

number: one

So...I'm really not a blogger. I read them. I'm actually addicted to them. I can't get enough of reading about other people's lives. Is that pathetic and kind of creepy? Totally. But I think I might be in good company...I mean, you are reading this...right?
Okay! Let's move on...after being prompted to start a blog by a dear friend of mine I decided maybe it was time for the world to at least have the opportunity to stumble upon this site and get a good look at who I am. Which good thing you guys are here reading this- you're about to start the ride of your LIFE reading this thing.

Let's start with my last name. It's spelled "Keane", but it's pronounced like "Kane". When I started dating my now husband, my roommate at the time *who is a teacher* became almost indignant at the fact that Cooper's *the hubs* last name was phonetically incorrect. It apparently didn't stop me any because we just kept on getting to know each other and smoochin' a whole lot til this thing ended up in a marriage.
So, now, for the rest of my life, I will forever be saying to waiters, UPS people when I just need to send a gift on its way, to bank tellers, to the HR department at work, to people who have just met me, to first graders trying to learn to read who are just trying to make a way for themselves in the world..."Oh, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but it's actually KANE not KEANE"- despite the fact that everyone else who speaks the english language makes the same mistake you do. then they look at me like i have three heads with the thought running through their brain, "are you trying to tell me your name is spelled in a way that negates traditional spelling/grammer/the english language itself?!" yes! I am! it's MY name, people! *to be honest: sometimes i just give up and claim that my name actually is "keane" instead of "kane". and the first graders seem to really appreciate it. we then usually talk about the rule of the tos- to, two and too- whoever thought this stuff up was seriously wacked out*
ahhh, marriage and adopting a new last name. this is the kind of stuff you don't talk about in pre-marital counseling. so, now i'm talking about it. on this blog. with you. i have big problems, folks.

so, welcome. come one. come all. settle in. get ya a good book to read while you anxiously await each and every word that my little fingers rapidly type.

...until next time...


PhaedrusInExile said...

Alisa had the same problems but her's was with her first name, so at least you had a stint where you didn't have to fight with that.

Martha said...

At least your name isn't Candy... or Lana...or Nova....or Solar....etc, etc.....

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