Sunday, August 16, 2009

number: technology?

I have a confession to make.
I am technologically challenged.
It's tragic, really.

In my last post I explained to you that I'm not really a blogger- well, I wasn't until 3 days ago. But now that I am a blogger I want to have the best blog ever. Of all time, I tell you!
"What do the best blogs ever have?" You might ask...
Cool templates. Templates that make you want to jump for joy. Templates that scream "Wow, this blog is so great, I want to visit it every single day!!"
My template is not like that.
Mine, well, it's's your run-of-the-mill "new blogger" template.
It is not, "oh, she's got this down and has an awesome blog" template.

If you haven't caught on yet: I really, really want a new template.

Here's the trick to this dilemma: I'm kinda...sort of...technologically challenged.
I see a computer and freak out, run to the nearest IT person I see and beg for him or her to help me out of this miserable computer challenge.
It's really shall I put it...ridiculously *piteous.
*Word of the day: piteous- adjective; deserving of one's pity- ahh, education!*

I have tried all morning and part of the afternoon to solve my unlikeable template problem without any success! In fact, I have made things worse. I tried to follow the instructions by installing a new template...but that just confused the system all the more! I installed a new template but somehow lost my widgets...but I don't really like these widgets...I want neat widgets to go with my funky template! So, I then went back to the "Classic Template" which then lost my follwers least I think it did...arrghhh!!!
Do you people see how stressful my life can be?!

Please help me. Take me out of this *piteous state.
I need some further education on this thing besides the word of the day.

So, for all of you who DO know what you're doing on your own blogs- could ya please, show me some love? Help a girl out and give me some bit of advice??


...until next time...

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